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The main factors affecting the cost of dust-free workshop


As we all know, a large part of the sophisticated industry is inseparable from the clean purification workshop, such as CCL circuit substrate copper coated plate, PCB printed circuit board, photoelectric LCD screen and LED, power and 3C lithium batteries and some pharmaceutical and food industries. With the development of science and technology, the quality standards of supporting products required by the manufacturing industry have been continuously improved, so industrial manufacturers not only need to innovate products from the production process, but also need to improve the production environment of products, strict workshop environmental requirements, and improve product quality and stability.
Whether it is due to the improvement of product quality and the renovation of the existing plant, or due to market demand and new expansion of the plant, industrial manufacturers will face the project preparation of the future of the major problem. From infrastructure to supporting decoration, from process to equipment procurement a series of complicated project process, in this process, the preparation party should be most concerned about the quality of the project and comprehensive cost, this article will briefly introduce several factors affecting the cost of dust-free purification workshop in the preparation of industrial plant.

1. spatial factors
The space factor is composed of two aspects: workshop area and workshop height, which directly affects the cost of internal decoration envelope: color steel partition wall and ceiling area. Air conditioning input cost, area volume of air conditioning load required, air conditioning return mode, air conditioning pipeline direction and the number of air conditioning ends. To avoid the increase in project investment caused by space reasons, the constructor can comprehensively consider from two aspects: the working space of different production process equipment (including the height or width margin of movement, maintenance and overhaul), the flow of work and the spatial direction of logistics. At present, the building follows the principle of land saving, material saving and energy saving, so the purification workshop is not the bigger the better, and it can effectively consider its own production process equipment and process when preparing for construction, which can effectively avoid unnecessary investment costs.
2. temperature and humidity and cleanliness factors
Temperature, humidity and cleanliness are tailor-made workshop environmental standard data for industrial products, which is the highest design basis for purification workshops, and an important guarantee for product qualification rate and stability. The current standards are divided into national standards, local standards, industry standards, and enterprise internal standards. Such as cleanliness grade classification standards, pharmaceutical industry GMP standards are national standards. For most manufacturing industries, it is mainly based on product characteristics to determine the standards of each production process purification workshop. For example, the PCB industry's exposure, dry film, welding resistance area temperature and humidity in 22+1°C, 55+5%, cleanliness in thousands to 100,000 degrees. The lithium battery industry pays more attention to low humidity control, the relative humidity is generally below 20%, and some quite strict liquid injection workshops need to be controlled at about 1% relative humidity. Defining environmental data standards for the purification plant is the most important central point affecting project investment. The development of the cleanliness level affects the cost of decoration, and is set at the 100,000 level and above, requiring the necessary clean plate envelope, purifying doors and Windows, personnel and cargo air shower transmission facilities, and even expensive elevated floors. At the same time, it also affects the cost of air conditioning, the higher the cleanliness, the greater the number of air conditioning changes necessary to meet the purification, the greater the air volume required to purify the air cabinet, and the amount of wind pipes and high efficiency tuyere at the end also increases. In the same way, the formulation of temperature and humidity in the workshop not only has the above cost problems, but also the factors that control the accuracy, the higher the accuracy, the more complete the supporting equipment required. If the relative humidity range is accurate to +3%, ±5%, the humidification equipment and dehumidification equipment required to be designed should be complete. The formulation of temperature, humidity and cleanliness of the workshop not only affects the early investment, but also the operating costs of the later period are extremely important for a plant that is based on its own production, so according to the characteristics of its own products, combined with the national standard, the line standard and the internal standards of the enterprise, a reasonable development of environmental data standards that meet its own needs is the most basic and fundamental step in preparing for the purification plant.
3. Other influencing factors
In addition to the two major requirements of space and environment, some factors affecting the standard of the purification workshop are often ignored by the designer or the constructor, resulting in excessive temperature and humidity. For example, the external climate is not considered comprehensively, the exhaust volume of the equipment is not considered, the heat output of the equipment is not considered, the dust production of the equipment is not considered, and the humidity production of a large number of people working at the same time is not considered.

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